The Office of the Associate Dean for Research, under the direction of Fernanda Leite, Ph.D., P.E., works with and on behalf of the faculty to develop billionaire casino reviewand sustain research programs. Our office grows the research portfolio by engaging external entities, leveraging faculty expertise, integrating and assembling teams and creating new opportunities, all in line with the Cockrell School's strategic plan. Staff are organized into three teams that contribute to the research labyrinth within the college.

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Industry and Research Relations

The Industry and Research Relations team builds collaborations that advance UT's mission and aid companies in achieving their business goals around innovation, talent and branding.

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Research Contracts and Grants Support

The Research Contracts and Grants Support team Billionaire casinoprovides comprehensive research support, including the development of pre-award and post-award procedures for researchers and supporting the Associate Dean for Research and the Dean's Office with identifying solutions to research matters. Faculty and staff should visit the intranet (ENGR Direct) for more information.

Building and Facilities Support

The Building and Facilities Support team assists with faculty and their labs, lab renovations, capital projects, regular site operations and more. Faculty and staff should visit the intranet (ENGR Direct) for more information.